

Mass Timber 业务 案例研究

This case study series aims to fill a gap in available information related to the financial performance of U.S. properties constructed with mass timber structural systems in buildings across various product sub-types. Using transparent quantitative data, each of the 10 case studies analyzes how mass timber has created value and provides a qualitative overview of successes, 挑战, and lessons learned from the developer/owner perspective.

The series was created through a collaboration with Conrad Investment Management and would not be possible without support from the developers/owners who share their data. WoodWorks is grateful to these firms and individuals for supporting our efforts to promote a deeper understanding of how mass timber might be a useful tool for 投资者, 居住者, 和社区.

下载 the case studies PDF or keep scrolling for a preview of what the package contains.

地区办公室 / Hacker / KPFF Consulting 工程师s / Photo Hacker

案例研究 At-a-Glance

The business case studies package analyzes how mass timber creates value across various property sub-types, including multi-family for-rent and for-sale products, 学生住房, and institutional office. Each case study includes the following sections:

发展概述 provides background, including:

  • 属性信息
  • 产品策略
  • 投资亮点

定性的总结 from developer/owner perspective, including:

  • 挑战
  • 经验教训
  • 成功

定量的概述 compares realized, pro forma, and local market data, including:

  • 成本
  • 租金/销售
  • Lease-up
  • 返回

市场背景 provides a local market snapshot, including:

  • 次市场描述
  • Major employers/industries


The information gathered on each project reveals early trends that can lend to the value creation of other properties constructed with mass timber structural systems.

Multi-family/residential: Residents respond to “look & 感觉”

  • Aesthetics seem to be broadly appealing
  • 健壮的对于
  • 有形的区别
  • Tangible realization of desired brand identities

办公室: Attractive for myriad of reasons

  • Most tenants are “creditworthy”
  • Desire intangible stakeholder benefits
  • Tend to see impressive pre-leasing




物业类型: 出租房屋

物业类型: 出租房屋

物业类型: 出租房屋


大小: 259 apartments; 493,000 gsf (incl. 273,000 sf mass timber)

完成: 7月 & 2022年8月


开发合作伙伴: Wiechmann Enterprises


大小: 297 apartments; 512,000 gsf




大小: 70 apartments over six retail suites; 113,314 gsf



开发合作伙伴: Hoosiers Corporation, 日本

Currently the world’s tallest timber tower, 提升 consists of 19 stories of mass timber luxury residential units over a six-story above-grade parking podium. Mass timber was chosen as a differentiator for this development, which achieved amazing preleasing.

介绍 Cleveland is a mixed-use development with a 700-person event space, 底层零售, apartments and a best-in-city amenity package that delivered a new level of living in Cleveland’s most desirable neighborhood. The development achieved unparalleled leasing velocity at significant premiums.

Featuring universal design plus concierge services and other amenities, 的峡谷 is a six-story apartment building targeting both active seniors and younger residents. 的峡谷 achieved premium rents amid a design-oriented submarket and was occupied with viable tenants.



Adohi Hall at the University of Arkansas

物业类型: 待售的房屋

物业类型: Redevelopment/Additions

物业类型: Purpose-Built/老板-Occupied (学生 Housing/Dorms)


大小: 19 residential condos + two office units; 42,000 gsf


开发人员: Populance


大小: 60 apartments; 68,400 gsf (27 apartments; 35,400 gsf added)

完成: 2020



大小: 202,491平方英尺

完成: 2019

老板: University of Arkansas

梭鱼公寓 is a seven-story building with five levels of condos over two levels of office and parking. Buyers loved the location, 暖木天花板, and kitchen/appliances, and 75% of the units were sold at the start of construction.

Mass timber was chosen for a new addition to harmonize aesthetics with a historic brick and timber frame brewery building The redevelopment achieved fast-leasing at top-of-market rents, while its noteworthiness continues to create positive economic “spill-over” effects that are helping fuel positive momentum and perceptions of the submarket/ street.

Adohi Hall is the nation’s first large-scale mass timber live-learn 学生住房 development, a bold demonstration of sustainability and innovation in university planning. While utilizing mass timber came with a slight cost premium, it was viewed as an investment in the state’s timber industry and an opportunity to create value for stakeholders that ranged from students to the real estate sector.




物业类型: 办公室

物业类型: 办公室

物业类型: 办公室


大小: 134,000平方英尺


开发人员: SKS Partners


大小: 95100平方英尺

完成: 2016年春季


大小: 105,890平方英尺


开发人员: Urban Development + Partners; Beam Development

为德哈罗, a four-story building with a mix of speculative office and light industrial spaces, timber was initially chosen as a lightweight solution to address problematic soils. The exposed timber structure creates an authentic biophilic interior that appealed to ESG-driven tenants in the Bay Area, and the project was fully leased at the beginning of construction.

One of the earliest mass timber buildings in the U.S., 粘土创意’s differentiated design embodies millennial ethics and goals, creating value for its corporate tenants. The office space was leased quickly at top-of-market rates and has seen impressive sub-leasing.

地区办公室 is a speculative office building, designed by and for a leading mass timber architect to reflect the values of their company and appeal to other prospective tenants. Built on a foundation of high-quality materials and sustainable design, the goal for this project is to attract loyal tenants while creating value for 居住者, 投资者, 和社区.


物业类型: 办公室


大小: 170,000平方英尺

完成: 2018年春季


California’s first modern timber office building, ICE Blocks sought a similar look and feel to historic brick. 还有木材仓库. The distinctive interiors attracted quality tenants at competitive rents and leased up quickly as it was being built.

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across various building product sub-types.

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Mass Timber 业务 案例研究

Created for the developer/investor audience, these case studies discuss qualitative influences and provide quantitative data to examine investment success, 挑战 and lessons learned.